Over two decades of powerful representation

For more than 20 years, Longview Professional Firefighters Association Local 4331 has had the backs of firefighters when they need it the most. Whether standing before Fire Administration, the City Manager’s Office, the Mayor and the City Council.

Local 4331 is a member of the International Association of Fire Fighters and the Texas State Association of Fire Fighters. Through these affiliations, we are working across the state and nation to improve the fire profession. The IAFF is the leading advocate for firefighter safety and citizen protection in the United States. The IAFF is on the frontlines helping to introduce safety initiatives through Washington D.C. and Austin.

The job of a public servant is one that never ends; the dedication to our citizens, our loyalty to each other to provide behavioral solutions through peer support to supporting members and their families through difficult situations. We are an organization that supports local charities and put on an annual toy drive for the less fortunate each year.

As the President, it is my honor to represent Local 4331 and its members to build our Association in to a body that is influential and effective both in the community and city government and together we will push to maintain the standards to keep our brothers, sisters and the citizens we serve safe.

Thank you for your ongoing support for the Longview Professional Fire Fighters Association.

Billy Hodge

President, Longview PFFA Local 4331